Club Activities & Service Projects
Club Service Projects
The Leongatha Rotary Club organises a range of projects and activities to raise funds for the Rotary Foundation and district projects. We also support the local community through youth vocations, targeted donations, and volunteering. From the wood raffle, art show, dinner dance and garden party to the Show & Shine, Landcare Projects, Schools Debate and Youth Exchange Program, Rotary members are always at work in Leongatha and further afield.
​Some of our current projects and activities include:
Sunday 17th March 2024
Show'N'Shine & Swap Meet Leongatha Recreation Reserve
(This link is not currntly available)
Sat 18 Jan - Sat 8 Fed 2024
(This link is not currntly available)
Art & Photography Show
Now in its 47th year, the Leongatha Art and Photography show is one of the region’s major events and is held at Leongatha Memorial Hall.
The high quality entries come from all over South Gippsland, Victoria and interstate to compete in various award categories including a large junior section. This major show attracts many visitors, who come to view the works, all of which are for sale.
Schools Debate
Students from Leongatha Secondary Clllege, Mary MacKillop College and Chairo Christian School practice their public speaking in two rounds of debates in front of parents, teachers and Rotarians. The best speaker receives the Ross Pearson Memorial encouragement award.
Show'N'Shine & Swap Meet
Now incorporating a Craft and Produce Market, the next Show'N'Shine is held on a Sunday in March at the Leongatha Recreation Reserve.
Great coffee, good food, and great cars, bikes and trucks are all on display. Our Judges have a busy day with some 21 Categories to be judged.
RYDA - Rotary Youth Driver Awareness
Road Safety Education Victoria, in partnership with the Leongatha Rotary Club, runs full day RYDA sessions at local venues. It is attended by Year 11 students from secondary schools from Mirboo Nth, Korumburra and Leongatha. The programme is designed for students who either have, or are about to get, their Learners permit to drive and is an awareness programme of the responsibilities involved in driving a car.
Rotary Youth Projects
Our club is proud of its record in supporting youth in our area. Over the course of the last year many students from our local schools have benefitted from Rotary organised activities, such as:
NYSF – the club sponsors a student to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra
RYPEN - Rotary Program for Youth Enrichment where four students attend a weekend camp at Forest Edge campsite near Neerim South
MUNA - Model United Nations Assembly
Our club sponsored a team from Leongatha Secondary College in 2014. Each team gets to represent a country and, after doing research around what that country's stance is on a number of resolutions, debates those resolutions in the same way that the United Nations would debate them in New York.
RAIC - Rotary Adventure in Citizenship - We sponsor a student to attend which involves spending a week in Canberra learning about our parliamentary system and citizenship.